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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Problem with password reset

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Here is my setup:

WPForo + Cross post plugin + wpDiscuz

I have the option to subscribe to email replies through postmatic (I'm a paid postmatic users).

When someone leaves a comment with the option to subscribe by email, a new user is created with their email address and name. 

The problem is, if they want to join the forums, they can't register that account (says email is already in use) and can't reset the password because they get a "no_password_reset" when entering their email address in the lost password box through wpforo. 

Users who have created their account on the forums have no problem, this only affects users who posted a comment and had their email automatically register as a new user.

Any solution to this? It's created a barrier that I was hoping using the cross post addon would help with.

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Posts: 112
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Joined: 8 years ago

Ok, found the answer.

Replyable (Postmatic) asked me to add some code to allow for all users to reset their password and I've tested it and it works fine. 

add_filter( 'allow_password_reset', '__return_true', 20 );

Here is their support document for Postmatic, which works for Replyable.

So the mystery is solved!