Sep 30, 2019 7:12 am
I am having problems with the recaptcha on my forum setup. The recaptcha iframe loads but when you click on it you just see the infinite loading circle.
JS error message is:
Uncaught Error: reCAPTCHA placeholder element must be empty
at Object.AE [as render] (recaptcha__de.js:521)
at wpForoReCallback (?wpforo=signup:163)
at $a (recaptcha__de.js:524)
at recaptcha__de.js:527
at G (recaptcha__de.js:512)
I am not using any other recaptcha plugins. The recaptcha div made by wpforo is empty, i checked that. Maybe you can help me to find the problem here.
5 Replies
Oct 02, 2019 1:33 pm
I found the problem and fixed it!
I have edited the file wpforo/wpf-includes/class-api.php
public function rc_widget() {
$site_key = WPF()->tools_antispam['rc_site_key'];
if( $site_key ){
echo '<div class="wpforo_recaptcha_widget"></div><div class="wpf-cl"></div>';
//echo "\r\n<script>wpForoReCallback();</script>";
I have removed the script part! The api.js call of the recaptcha plugin already calls that function via onlaod parameter and so this causes the issie on my site. There has to be a problem with the order of these calls. Maybe you can review that and fix it for future releases. If you have further questions, please let me know.