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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Recent Topics Widget - Can't Disable "Display with Avatars" - Part 1 of 2 Issues Found

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Hi wpForo Team. 

I just noticed these Issues on another new forum we are setting up, using the latest version of wpForo. 

We use long titles on our topics and posts, so on the Widget Area, we have disabled the "Display Avatars" in our other forum (that other forum still uses the previous version of wpForo and has not been updated yet).  

And so when I was setting this up on the new forum, with that same old wpForo widget settings, that's when I noticed these two issues.  

I am creating two different topics on this so that if in case I find a fix, I can also contribute and update this post.  Just thought I'd report it to the wpForo Team as well.  

Here's how you can recreate the issue,

when I go to the wpForo Recent Topics Widget,

#1) - and then I unclick the "Display with Avatar" box,

and then I click the "Save" button, 

#2 - the "Display with Avatar" box, automatically gets checked, and it is saved as is. 

So essentially, the result is, the "Display with Avatar" can't be disabled.  

I'm attaching the screenshot below of these two steps.  


Related:  "Recent Posts" Issue
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I think I found the setting that was causing the "Recent Topics Widget - Display Avatar" Issue, that automatically saves it to display the avatar.

It was - on the "$this->default_instance = array", the display_avatar was set to "true" on Line #419. (wpf-includes > functions-template.php file)

My fix was to change it to "false". (If it is set to "false", the user can enable and disable this anyway on the wpForo Widget area. To set it to "true" does not allow this Display Avatar to show or hide, it just shows. 🙂

THE CODE (Line 412 - 422):

 private function init_local_vars(){
$this->default_instance = array(
'title' => 'Recent Topics',
'forumids' => array(),
'orderby' => 'created',
'order' => 'DESC',
'count' => 9,
'display_avatar' => true,
'forumids_filter' => false,
'current_forumid_filter' => false


WHAT I CHANGED (on Line #419):

 private function init_local_vars(){
$this->default_instance = array(
'title' => 'Recent Topics',
'forumids' => array(),
'orderby' => 'created',
'order' => 'DESC',
'count' => 9,
'display_avatar' => false,
'forumids_filter' => false,
'current_forumid_filter' => false


This type of manual "fix" is for those users (like me) who have long Forum Post Titles and would like to Disable the avatars ONLY on the Widget area. 

I hope this helps.  🙂  

Screenshot of the fix: 

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Hi @crisw,

Thank you for these reports. All issues with Widgets are fixed, we're preparing next 1.6.1 version, it'll be released the end of this week.

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Hi @robert.  You are welcome and thank you as well.  🙂  

And I added a signature on my profile here, with a link to my own wpForo review.  The signature didn't go through at first, but I guess it's on now. 

Let's see if we can have more of the current 5900 Members of the wpForo Community to add their 5 star review over at WordPress.  🤣  (I would have given more stars if I could, but I guess we can all just gaze up at the sky for more stars these days).   And in case you and the wpForo Team check out my 5 star  WordPress review, it's long, so bring popcorn.  🙂

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Thanks a lot @crisw! Can't find words to thank you enough! Just amazing!

I see you do pro support, like our team... Thank you very much  for your help and for all you do for wpForo Community!

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Posted by: Robert


Thanks a lot @crisw! Can't find words to thank you enough! Just amazing!

I see you do pro support, like our team... Thank you very much  for your help and for all you do for wpForo Community!

Hi @robert.  You're welcome.  I was laughing so hard when I received an email from WordPress that they changed something in my review.  It got moderated by the WP Brute Squad!  🤣  .. they removed the link, and so I apologized because I didn't know that I couldn't do that.  I only linked because I wanted people to see the Forum in action here.  So anyway, I then also read the response from your Team, and then I ended up responding again!  So you guys in total received a double review.  🤣  If WP checks me, they can see (and track) that I try and help out in WP translations too.  So they can see from inside WP that my review is legit from a real person. 

On my pro support - we are in different industries, but I do some probono stuff too when schedule permits.  And I just do my best to help out fellow techies when I can. (Like revise my signature... :-)) 

Most people who pay have an idea how much an SME developer's hourly rate is, so I really am totally amazed that you guys are doing this and providing this FREE Forum, with FREE support.  I promote you guys too and have some people who actually are using your forum because I recommended it.  And then I just point them to your documentation as well.  IF ONLY people can get enough patience to actually READ it.  

Anyway, I'm testing the Threaded Layout too for this new forum we're setting up.  I'm a big fan and user of the Extended Layout format, but thought I'd also try the Threaded Layout. 

If I find something  that looks like a bug in the "Extended Layout", I'd let you guys know.  It's only those two issues in these two topics that I saw that affected my forum in "Extended Layout".   

I'll start another topic for the Threaded Layout issue that I noticed this morning.  I'll try and see if I can also find a quick fix, or maybe just try and search here in case that has been brought to your attention already, so it's not a double posting of the same issue.  🙂 

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Ok, thank you very much CrisW. We're currently preparing next 1.6.1 version it comes with many small bug fixes, so it's better to check after this version release, we're releasing very soon, within a day.