Jun 18, 2020 1:49 am
I am trying to fix a field border style that the wpForo search widget uses.
I have set styles myself for form fields but when I select the search field the sidebar widget it comes up with an internal black border, as shown in attached image. How do I remove this as I can't find where to edit or over-ride it in css.
7 Replies
Jun 18, 2020 10:05 am
Hi @gregw,
Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles admin page put the following CSS code in the "Custom CSS Code" textarea, to change the border of the search widget.
#wpf-widget-search .wpforo-widget-content form input[type=text]{
border: 1px solid #345734;
Please note the red marked value can be changed.
Don't forget to delete all caches and press CTRL+F5(twice) on the frontend before checking.
Jun 24, 2020 1:04 am
I was able to fix this by adding the style outline:none; to the required wpf class