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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Resize photos to meet the 128mb limit

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webmaster stinsonclub
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So I was getting complaints about members not being able to use attachments due to the 128mb limit. Most folks today have a photo on their smartphone that is very large in file size and they dont know how to resize easily. 

I went into settings and tried to up that limit. I read the message that the limit was coming from my hosting company ( 

I contacts SiteGround and they said that the limit was a PHP limit, and if I wanted to change it I would have to upgrade to a cloud account that is only $80 a month!

Any suggestions? Is there a better hosting solution? Is there a site where members can easily resize photos? Is there an app? Any ideas?

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What kind of picture is more than 5-15 mb ? Even from a DSLR camera there is nothing near 128 mb.

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webmaster stinsonclub
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I honestly did not know that.

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Posted by: @webmasterstinsonclub-org


I honestly did not know that.

I see the photos from my Sony cell (20 mpixels camera) and they are 4.2 to 5.5 mb JPG.

webmaster stinsonclub
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OK, so the 128MB is a good setting. 

I have it set to 128MB in settings>posts and topics, but I’m still getting an error when trying to upload an iPad screenshot or photo (128bytes)


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webmaster stinsonclub
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Well the error shows 128 BYTES not MBytes.


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webmaster stinsonclub
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Dude, I know! That is why I wrote bytes

My question is this, if SETTINGS shows 128 MEGABYTES, why is the error showing BYTES

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Posted by: @webmasterstinsonclub-org


Dude, I know! That is why I wrote bytes

My question is this, if SETTINGS shows 128 MEGABYTES, why is the error showing BYTES

Ok, what happens if you set it to EXACTLY 20 mb ? Is still an error there ? And what exact error (what size) ?

webmaster stinsonclub
Joined: 6 years ago

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Posts: 32


Worth a try, standby 

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Can you remove the 128 mb you have put in there and put something like 20. Maybe 128 is confusing the script. ..... and no one will be able to upload anything 128 mb ... anyways ...

Also do not put anything like 2.9 or 10.5, use a 2 digit number.

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