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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Screen Options / Pagination on the Admin > Moderation Page

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Currently using wpForo 1.5.5 on WP 5.0.2.

On the Moderation page of the WPForo Admin, up to 10 topics/posts are listed at a time. If there are more than 10, they are paginated. This can make it very tedious when there are a large number of unapproved posts that need to be reviewed and/or deleted. 

Typically, Wordpress post list pagination can be controlled via Screen Options. I do see a Screen Options button at the top of the Moderation page (actually, for some reason there's two) but clicking it just opens a blank box. There doesn't seem to be any capability to change the number of posts shown in the list. Not sure whether this is a bug, or the feature just hasn't been built in yet, or I'm missing something, but it'd be very helpful to be able to adjust the pagination of the Moderation admin page so that (many) more than 10 posts can be listed at a time. If there's any way to do this (even if, as a short-term solution, it involves my editing some core code), I'd love to know about it.

Much thanks!


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wpForo also has such option. This is an issue related to Boxed Editor. I see "Boxes" phrase on your screenshot, but here is a screenshot taken from our test websites (we use the WordPress classic editor):

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Thanks for the quick reply! Looks like something in Uncode was conflicting with it... I switched the theme, the Screen Options box was restored, made the change I needed to the option, then reactivated the theme. That works 🙂