Hi, you gave me a code a while ago to take off the social media items which worked perfectly thanks 🙂
However I just realise two things
- The textbox under the "signature" (firma) its missing and therefore people are thinking they cant input their signature
You can actually write on it but if you dont know you think you cant
- Can I also somehow / somewhere take off the word "Redes Sociales" (social media) which its located just above the "ubication" word?
Thanks 🙂
Hi @jesus,
Insert this CSS code in Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Styles > Custom CSS Code textarea, save it, delete all caches, go to forum front-end and press Ctrl+F5:
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpf-field .wpf-field-wrap{ border: 1px solid #ccc; }
Thanks once again Robert 🙂
Another thing. As Im starting to have quite a few of these command, Im going to start adding to them comments like this: Is that ok?
/* Comenting here for the below code is for */