Aug 29, 2022 8:15 pm
Hi guys, I solved problems with color and other stuff so forum now looks almost like I want it.
I have following questions.
1. When last version of wpForo was on, we had addon for music but as we updated new wpForo version we have lost it. Can that be repaired or not?
2. When I go on registration or login (on wpForo) I can't see a box to put name, nickname, password. How to repair that?
3. When I click on users/members (on wpForo) it won't direct me to them but to empty page. How to fix that?
Sep 05, 2022 3:03 pm
The problem is fixed in your website and the fixes have been added in the 2.0.7. You should update to 2.0.7 version and delete all caches.
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