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[Solved] Sorry something is wrong with your data.

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Hi all,


I have read many posts some new and some old, however I have yet to find an answer to the problem of getting a blank page with the message Sorry, something is wrong with your data.

I have tried all of the suggestions I find and although some of them work the issue re-appears after a day or so

I am ready to give up and move elsewhere.  This is the final throw of the dice, please can somebody tell me how to correct the error we get when trying to login.


Many Thanks


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Not related to wpForo. You also do not tell us WHEN this happens and why you think it is related to wpForo.

Post your url so we can generally check. Otherwise we can possibly GUESS what happens to your site, what plugins you run etc etc.

Also enabling standard Wordpress debug to a log for 2-3 days could help and reveal what is wrong.


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Thanks for the reply.

website is

I only have one other plugin installed which is a payment plugin called Easy Accept Payments for PayPal.  I have de-activated it but it didn't fix the problem.

It happens when trying to login


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@quiztoon Ok, the FIRST you must fix, is make the site https:, all of it. And see if this fixes things.



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@quiztoon Also you seem to use a CDN and that could be some issue, like caching they do or something....

Because the wpforo displays this error only here:

function wpforo_verify_nonce( $action = 'wpforo_verify_form', $mode = 'ajax', $query_arg = '_wpfnonce' ) {
	if( $mode === 'full' ) {
		if( ! wp_verify_nonce( wpfval( $_REQUEST, $query_arg ), $action ) ) {
			wpforo_phrase( 'Sorry, something is wrong with your data.' );
	}elseif( $mode === 'ajax' ){
        check_ajax_referer( $action, $query_arg );
	if( apply_filters( 'wpforo_check_referer', true )
        && in_array( $mode, [ 'ajax', 'full', 'ref' ] ) ) {
		if( ! wpfval( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER' ) ) {
			exit( 'Error 2252 | Please contact the forum administrator.' );
		if( wpforo_is_url_external( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ) {
			exit( 'Error 2253 | Please contact the forum administrator.' );
	do_action( 'wpforo_verify_nonce_end' );

and that is usually (99% of the times) a caching issue.


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Hi I have disabled the CDN now and waiting to see what happens

Thanks for your help so far


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@quiztoon FIX your HTTPS also !

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i thought i had.



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