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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Template override fail, m I doing it right?

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I was trying to override the template buddypress.php to change the text Forum from Buddypress Profile page. I tried adding as given below to override using child theme but I didn't see any changes. So am I doing it right?

I copied wpforo/wpf-includes/integration/buddypress.php

added this to wp-content/themes/onepress-child/wpforo/wpf-includes/integration/buddypress.php

I opened the file buddypress.php and chanced the word Forum in Line no 57 but still I don't see any changes.

 'name' => __( 'Community', 'wpforo' ),

Please let me know if there is other way of doing this.

Note: I tried changing this in WpForo files and works perfectly. When I try to override using child theme this fails to show up.

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Hi @writetoyogen,

this cannot be reached by doing such customization. You should add the following code in your current active theme functions.php file:

Don't forget to change the red mark code before using.

function my_custom_buddypress_forum_menu_name($translation, $text, $domain){

    if( $domain == 'wpforo' ) {
        $backtrace = wp_debug_backtrace_summary();
        if( strpos(strtolower($backtrace), 'wpf_forums_component->setup_nav') !== false ){
            if( strtolower($text) == 'forums' ) $translation = 'Community';
    return $translation;

add_filter('gettext', 'my_custom_buddypress_forum_menu_name', 10, 3);