Hello friends, I have found a very strange problem and I can not find a solution.
I created a privacy policy page, and now I have noticed that the same thing that I have written on the page is not shown.
in the images you can see what I say. One is what is written and another is what is published.
I'm going crazy because I can not find a solution.
This is what you see when I edit the page:
And this is what you see when I visit the page https://forocomprasonline.com/politica-de-privacidad/
It does not look the same.
How can this be?
I have realized that what is not seen is the text written as paragraph, if the titles are seen.
Hi FranRicht.Β Β
I think you should check the HTML version of your privacy document and make sure that there is an open and close to the HTML codes in the appropriate places where your Heading ends, and your paragraph begins.Β
You can see this when you open the document in "HTML" format, instead of the "Visual" format. (your screenshot shows you are editing on "Visual" Tab (upper right hand corner of the screenshot).Β When you open the HTML tab, you will see the HTML codes.Β Β
Example: <h2> HEADING TWO OPEN
then at the end should be </h2>
And then <p> PARAGRAPH OPEN, then at the end should be </p>
So for the example below to look like so:
Example Heading 2
- Numbered List 1
- Numbered List 2
Bullet list
- Bullet 1
- Bullet 2
The raw HTML Code looks like this:Β
<h2>Example Heading 2</h2>
<li>Numbered List 1</li>
<li>Numbered List 2</li>
Bullet list
<li>Bullet 1</li>
<li>Bullet 2</li>
I hope this helps.Β Good luck!Β πΒ
Thanks, I've solved it by putting the paragraphs with bullet lists <li>.
The paragraphs come out like this:
But the normal paragraphs still do not appear. I should just do it wordpress. And I do not understand why he does not.
But thanks for the information.
Do you see anything wrong with the code?
My apologies, I thought your goal was to get your paragraphs to come out in a Bullet list. π
If you want to use just regular paragraph, your code should look like below:
<h3><span id="Responsable_del_tratamiento">Responsable del tratamiento:</span></h3>
<strong>Datos de contacto del responsable:</strong> Francisco Richarte (en adelante forocomprasonline.com) y correo electronico de contacto <img src="https://opiniones-sobre.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/contacto-info.png" alt="" width="" height="19" />
<strong>Como ejercitar tus derechos:</strong> Puedes dirigir etc...
There is a shortcut to this. On your wordpress, for Bullet List or Numbered List.
Below is a screenshot on where it is.Β
Words appearing or disappearing on WordPress happens when there is content that is copied and pasted, on the Visual Tab, however this also copies the "hidden" html code of the copied content, so you need to check the HTML code, and delete the codes that don't apply to your page. Extra codes sometimes appear too, when the "Edit" page is left open and Wordpress auto saves it.
To format your paragraphs, just highlight the specific paragraph, then make sure that the Bullet List Icon or Numbered List Icon is NOT highlighted, or NOT active. (You can double check this on the Visual Tab, and then clicking the Bullet List Icon or Numbered List icon to see how your content would look like).
I hope this helps. Good luck and God bless you. π