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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Topic moderation option

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Hi, I am having a small problem with moderation option on my wpforo.

The idea is this, that I would like to moderate every topic, from every user.

Moderators have to accept the topic (and first post of that topic of course)

But every user is fine to post there, once the topic will get an "OK" from moderator.


And I have a small problem to make it like that, rather not sure how to do it.

I was able to block all or accept all, like there is no other option.


Hope that this is just me 🙂

Any ideas how to set this up?


- Every topic has to be moderated, and accept by moderator

- but every post from users are fine and good to go,

- also new users have to me moderated also for some time, let we say 10 posts?




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Posts: 1861
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Hi @jason-wan,

Please navigate to the Dashboard > Forums > Tolls > Antispam > New Registered User section, and check the following two options, and configure the values as you need:

1. "User is New (under hard spam control) during first X posts"

2. "Posts must be manually approved"

In the same admin page please check the following options too, and change the value as you need

  • Spam Suspicion Level for Topics  – 1
  • Spam Suspicion Level for Posts – 1

Posts: 11
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Hi @Alvina

Thank you for replay and help. I think there is something wrong with the options, or it simply it does not work. I really starting to doubt if I am doing something not correct.

- I read a lot of topic, explenations about those options. The more I read, the more and more I am getting confused.


1. "User is New (under hard spam control) during first X posts"

 Right now, this option I set to 5.

So I understand, that each NEW USER POST will go to moderation section, and it will wait for moderator to accept it. Once this NEW USER will reach 5 post, or 6 post, so every post from that NEW USER should be good to go and do not need wait for moderator any more.

Sadly this does not work. New user made around 30 posts, and still have to wait "Awaiting moderation".

  • Spam Suspicion Level for Topics  – 1

OK, I set this to "1", and every topic is wating for moderator to aprove it. 

So it is good.

  • Spam Suspicion Level for Posts – 1 

Also set this to 1, but does not work.

I set it to 0, also does not work.  As for now, every user is waiting for moderator to accept it post.



Different options that I try:

Topic level: 100

Post level: 0

Still no use, the same results.


Anyother ideas?

By the way: users should NOT HAVE "bypass moderation option", as I read.

If registered user has this option, then they will post what they want to (every topic, and I do not want that)

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Posts: 4

Hi @jason-wan,

Have you found a solution to your problem?
I'd like to do the same option as you (moderation for each topic but not on post).