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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Topic pages disappeared

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It seems that I finally solved the problem. I added a new index for table posts. All these days I've been testing a new index and the problem has gone. I added an index for the next fields: parentid, topicid, status, private.

MySQL Version 5.6.43
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Hi Anton,  Thank you for finding a solution using MySQL 5.6.  I also am on a shared server so I can't upgrade to 5.7.  I clicked on the screen shot you gave but could not follow it. Would you be able to provide a walk through to what you did?  

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Hi @jeanne!

You should go to phpMyAdmin on your shared hosting. Then find a table called _wpforo_posts. Go to tab Structure. Select checkboxes near fields parentid, topicid, status, private. Then go to the bottom of the structure table and click Index (this option located between options Unique and Fulltext). The newly created index will appear below in Indexes table. Check it, if all is fine. Then do optimization of all your tables and delete all caches. Check if pagination works right.

Hope this helps.

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Anton, Thank you for the quick reply!   I will try this as soon as I take a back up. Thank you again!

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You are welcome! I understand that this problem reduces usability and users engagement so replied as soon as possible. Please, write if this solution will work for you.

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Hi @antonm . Thank you for sharing your Solution for the Q & A Layout.  I noticed the same "pagination issue" on the "Threaded Layout" as well and created a post.  Robert is correct to have shared that it is a Database issue.  🙂 

It's good that community members here can share solutions!  Good luck and God bless you!

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Thank you CrisW. You can also try to create an additional index if you on shared hosting. MySQL is not a perfect solution, unfortunately...

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Hi @antonm - I will keep your solutions in mind (or in tag 🙂 ) when we do another Forum Installation using the Q&A Layout. 

For our specific Forum, we use a mix of the Extended Layout and Threaded Layout.  What we've noticed, when our "paged" navigation disappeared on the Threaded Layout, and we temporarily switched the Threaded Layout to Extended Layout, the Pagination re-appeared.  🙂 

Surely, your written observations (and solutions) in this community will help other Forum Administrators here too, someday!  All we can do is try to help.  🙂   

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