I have translated the .po file in Dutch. It works fine. But I cannot find the translation for the menu under myprofile, the words Profile, account, activity and subscriptions.
Hi Ger,
All phrases should be in POT and in wpForo > Phrases admin page.
I attached screen of "my profile" phrase in wpForo POT translation file. It also available in wpForo Phrase system, you can use one of them.
Thanks Robert, but not all phrase are in the .pot, even not when I updated the pot file form the files. For example "New Member" .
It is also confusing that a part is translated into the .po file and another part in "phrases"
Dutch words are sometime longer than the English. They no longer fit in the column. How can I change the width of a column? Another strange issue (in my mind) is that when I change from the forum to an topic, the screen is changed in 75% of the width. My theme have no sidebar in it.
Thanks Robert, but not all phrase are in the .pot, even not when I updated the pot file form the files. For example "New Member" . It is also confusing that a part is translated into the .po file and another part in "phrases"
99% of phrases are there. Member Reputation Titles are located in Forums > Settings > Members Tab. You can translate and change those on this page.