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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Translation Issue

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I confirm the problem and would like to get the fix. Or maybe a procedure to create the xml file from the PO file.

I also have strange phrases in the back-end when I try to update the PO. Some partial translation into french in the menus makes it completely unusable (i.e. you have to check the hyperlink to guess the menu entry!)

Thanks for solving this issue.

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The XML doesn't matter. If some phrase is missing. Just navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Phrases admin page, click on [Add new] button. Insert phrase key with identical English phrase and the value whatever you want. Save it, delete all caches and test.

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Sorry but this is not possible. There is only english language in the front-end phrases admin panel.
I can't select french language and when I modify french phrases with "Loco Translate" there is no change in the WPForo front-end.

I also have now a strange behavior with weird phrases both in the front and back end. I attached a pic with front and back end to show these strange phrases. There are still a mix of words in english and french and the highlighted phrases can't be modified. They were english words before I tried to modify the phrases through Loco translate and now I tried to remove without success. I even fully replace the wpforo folder in my plugins wp folder but no change the bug is still there.

Please can you fix the problem of language or give an advice how to use a new xml file for moving all the wpforo plugin to my site language (french)!


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Hi @monkeypoint,

All is messed up, I can't help you here. We have to start from scratch.

First of all please forget about Front-end Phrases and about the Loco Translate and try to understand what is wpForo Phrases and what is PO/MO files.

By default the Language of wpForo Phrases is English, it's designed to help you do a quick translation in Forums > Phrases admin page. You just need to edit a phrase and change the value to your language value. The key will always stay English, it's correct. wpForo phrases don't have any relation to Loco and has no any chance to be affected by Loco, so please forget about Logo and remove it.

If your website is multi-language website, you should use PO/MO files and forget about wpForo Phrases. The PO/MO files can be managed by Loco. Only in this case you should use Loco.

So please answer on these question to allow me instruct you further:

1. Is your website multi-language?

2. Have you make any changes on wpForo PO/MO files?

3. Have you make any change in Forums > Phrases admin page?

4. have you tried to use wpForo French PO/MO files without customizing it?


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So I try to answer your questions:

  1. Yes it is a multi-language website and by default set to French in WP admin panel. Any plugin automatically switches to french language using the relevant po/mo files provided. I don't understand your xml file in the admin/language folder and what is the relation with the standard po/mo files.
  2. As there were no change to the phrases in front and back-end for wpforo I used Loco translate plugin to adapt po/mo files for the wpforo plugin. I saw it was 100% translated in french but when I tried to modify some wrong phrases then it became 70% or 80% only translated. I looked for the wrong phrases in po/mo files using loco translate but could only find correct translation. So where does this translation comes from if not po/mo files?
  3. I didn't make any change in wpforo phrase admin panel (Forums->Phrases) as these were only for english language and no other language available.
  4. Initially I uses vanilla po/mo from fresh wpforo plugin install but it was not correct as I said then I modified through Loco translate and it became even worse!

I also downloaded a new vanilla release of wpforo and copied directly through FTP on my site to replace existing files... without any result, still weird phrases appear!

Now I intend to repalce po/mo files with a modified ones done externally (i.e. not using Loco translate) to see the difference. But it is strange were does these translation is coming from... I have no idea! Cache issue? I cleared all caches... again no success.

Any help is welcome or I have to completely remove the plugin but then all data will be removed also... not a good solution!


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