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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Uncaught TypeError: $(...).suggest is not a function

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hi, i get  Uncaught TypeError: $(...).suggest is not a function in my support page (Chacge from community to support). I read an other thread about something simillar to that but it didnt help me.

The other thread suggest to exclude the page that the shotcode exist from my caching plugin. Nothing changed.


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Because you MINIFY the js scripts. Via your cache plugin.

TypeError: $(...).suggest is not a function3xagw.js:1295:20

    <anonymous>  https://e4i9e3q8.  stackpathcdn. com/wp-content/cache/wpfc-minified/
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Should i exlude the plugin folder ?

or should i disable the combine js option from my cache plugin ?

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You can't exclude folders in Fastest Cache, just pages (i think).

Exclude /community/ page (or any page name you may have for wpForo base url). If excluded, no caching and no minification happens.

wpForo pages shouldn't be cached, since you will get old results if so.

If you need caching for wpForo, the best results are with WP Super Cache in php mode (normal mode, not expert). Even so, some data is not updated for visitors and widgets. But it is ok more or less.


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Okay, thanks.

I will try again and come back 🙂

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