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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Update Topic Statistics 404 page not found error

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some of my forums are showing forum empty when there are posts in the forum and can be accesses by clicking on the forum name, so I deleted all caches, updates threads and statistics and they all worked except the one “Update Topic Statistics” which, when I click it, will run for a while then I get a 404 page error not found and the following URL

For all of the others that work I get the above URL only until the &

Thank you for your time.

(This was first posted at the wp plugin forum but I was told to post here, so here it is.)

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Hi @ahau,

Thank you for contacting us. 

We don't find such an issue on our test websites. We'll need admin accesses to check the issue. Could you please send the admin login details to info[at] email address? 

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Thank you.


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Thank you @ahau,

First of all, we recommend updating your PHP and MySQL versions. The latest versions are working faster and probably the issue will be solved. 

The issue comes from the Maximum execution time value. In your case, it is set 30 seconds and as far as the count of the posts is not small it takes some time to update the topic statistic.

You should contact your hosting support and ask them to increase this value. 

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thank you for your reply.  I have tried that, increased the max time to 300 and also tried a few different times to run the script, but still get the same thing.

Can I have the SQL string so I can run it straight on the database?

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I have tried that, increased the max time to 300 and also tried a few different times to run the script, but still get the same thing.

ok, if you can ask the host support to make a value a bit larger, please do it and check again (set it e.g 1000).  if not please wait to near wpForo version release. We'll change this logic in the near future releases. wpForo developers decide to make the topic update process partial so there will not be such issue anymore. 

Can I have the SQL string so I can run it straight on the database?

I'm really sorry, but there is no such solution. 

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Thank you for that.  I increased it to 1000 but still getting the same error.

I looked in wpf-actions.php file  to see if I could work out the sql strings to run through phpmyadmin and after looking at the reset_tstat action I started to see if i could work out what was going wrong.

I also found in my topics table that I had 3 entries where the first_postid was 0 and the last_post was also a 0

 I checked to see if I could find matching posts in the posts table but there were not any that tied up, so I deleted (through phpmyadmin) those lines and then deleted the caches and rebuilt it all again but still got the same error message

carrying on with the queries in the wpf-actions.php file for reset_tstat action I  ran the update query through phpmyadmin  - all went well - but could not work out what the table for WPF()->db->options is as seen in this line

WPF()->db->query("DELETE FROM `" . WPF()->db->options."` WHERE `option_name` LIKE 'wpforo_stat%'" );

Could you tell me what that is, so I can run it through php myadmin and hopefully get this fixed 🙂

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But why don't you follow the suggestions above ? Update PHP to 7.x or later and your mysql ?

This is a hosting issue (poor ?) and can't be solved by using such a large timeout value. 300 seconds is 5 minutes you know.

Increasing the timeout won't help. Normally 30-60 seconds are what is needed. If you need more then you have a problem.

The ONLY cases that you need bigger timeout is when you import a large db for example and things like that. Out of the ordinary.



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