And yes updated to 8.0 PHP and the issue remains
does this help at all?
Warning: mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1203): User percysgr_wp03409 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections in /home/percysgr/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1753
enabled the debug in wp-config, ill let you know what happens later 🙂
If it is HIGH enough, then some plugin you use is not doing a proper job.
I was thinking its a plug in issue, but not sure how to identify whihc one
do you use Simple Lightbox?
no mate, i dont know what that is, I dont use that plug in
Also you have an other issue in your chat, as you probably see (a depreciated issue). What PHP version do you use?
yes i have issues with my chat but not sure what they are right now, i am on php 8.0
Thanks for all your help man!! I really appreciate it, and thank you fro your time too! Nice one mate
Ok, then just ask your hoster what is the CURRENT limit that you exceed (show them the log).