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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] URL problem and topics not displaying bold

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1. I created a new topic and had to delete it twice and now the topic URL has #post-3 at the end, how can I remove this?

2. The same post has bold titles in the body but there not displaying as bold?

Please see attached screenshot.


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Posted by: @motorhype

I created a new topic and had to delete it twice and now the topic URL has #post-3 at the end, how can I remove this?

Hi motorhype, I can answer your first question:

What you are looking at is not the topic URL, it is the URL that points at the latest post. The topic URL still ends in "/posting-rules/". In fact if you were to remove the "#post-3" from the URL and copy / paste in the browser you would still access the topic correctly.


Chances are your setup is pointing at the latest post by default when opening the topic, that's why you are getting the ULR that way.

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@fawp That makes sense thanks, do you know how I can stop it from showing in the URL?

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As @tutrix said, when you are looking at 'posts' each post has a different ID, but if you click on the thread (or topic), the URL is the one you probably want, because it will be common to all posts.


For example, I just looked in the list of topics for this topic we are in and I opened it up, the URL reads


Hope it makes sense.

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Hi @motorhype

I can answer your second question 😀

the span style overwrite the strong (bold)
watch the Video

add this to custom css

#wpforo #wpforo-wrap strong span {

Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Style (custom css)


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@tutrix Thanks, that has solved 2. problem 🙂

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Your first question is not a problem, it has to be
every post has a number so that it can be assigned
you can see it here in your topic

1 Post: #post-53368
2 Post: #post-53369
3 Post: #post-53370
4 Post: #post-53371
5 Post: #post-53372

without a post number many things no longer work

no recent Post, no Post activity on Profile
no more possibility to link posts

I don't think you want that just because you don't like the number

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@tutrix That's a good point, I will leave it as is. Thanks again for your help 🙂