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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] Using AddOns on a Staging Server

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I've purchased two AddOns so far, and as soon as the next version with the promised post preview is released I plan to purchase two more. I have a question regarding using AddOns on a Staging Server.

When I created the staging server my production server already had the two AddOns installed and licensed, and they worked properly on the staging server as well.  However there have been updates to the AddOns since then, and both of them on the staging server now require me to input my license keys to update.

The production server, of course, is fully updated. 

Obviously, I have the license keys but I am hesitant to enter them on the staging server in case it somehow affects the operation of the production server.

Is it safe to enter the license keys on the staging server? Or do I need to rebuild it from the current production server every time an AddOn is updated?

If it makes any difference the AddOns I purchased are the wpForo Advanced Attachments and the wpForo Embeds.


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Than you for your purchase. 

We do our best to make addons usage as easy as possible. Thus we don't limit any function and feature in addons even if it's not activated. This is the main reason why you can use it on DEV website without activation.

And as you know, the addon activation is only necessary for getting addon updates (the Single Site License is not a developer license. It's mostly designed to buy and activate on the ready website). However, on dev sites, this is not a problem too. Addon updates are very rare, it maybe once per many months so I don't think this is a huge problem to do it manually. It could be done by simply downloading the new version of the addon from your account page. Then navigate to Dashboard > Plugins > Add new and upload the add-on ZIP file, and activate it.

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Posted by: @sofy

And as you know, the addon activation is only necessary for getting addon updates

Actually, I wasn't clear on that, thanks for clarifying it for me.

So it sounds like all I would need to do is remove the older AddOns and then download them again and reinstall them on the staging server. That is a lot more convenient than rebuilding the server every time, and as you said, the updates are not too frequent.

On the subject of updates, do you know when the next WPForo update with the promised Post Preview will be released? I want to purchase two more AddOns (Private Messages and Polls) but I don't want to invest any more in WPForo until I see a working Post Preview function. Robert had said it was the top priority for the next release but didn't provide a release date, and I'm constantly getting hounded by my members about the lack of Post Preview.

I'd just like to be able to give them a better answer than "I don't know"!

Thanks for your help Sofy, have a great day!