Hallo Support Team
I couldn't figure out how to change the "Status Icons" (answered, activ, solved etc.). Where can I change them? I just have a white, blank picture there.
Thank you so much
Hi @manuel,
There is a CSS Code which has been set manually, find the where have you added the below CSS Code and Remove it:
#wpforo #wpforo-wrap.wpf-dark .wpfcl-3 { color: #E0E0E0!important; }
Thanks for your quick reply! I dont think you understood me correctly.
I want to use different fas-fa icons for the topic-status. Where can I do this? Are there no settings in the plugin where you can select an icon?
If not, where and how in the HTML code can I change or add an icon?
Thank you so much.
remove the code Chris posted above then the white background is gone
to change the icons > https://wpforo.com/docs/root/categories-and-forums/forum-manager/add-new-forum/#forum-icon