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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Why is this user still needing all posts moderated?

5 Posts
2 Users
1 Reactions
TIMS Forum
Posts: 46
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Trusted Member
Joined: 8 years ago

Current Forum Settings:

Enable wpForo Spam Control: No

Ban user when spam is suspicted: No

Spam Suspicion Level for Topics: 20

Spam Suspicion Level for Posts: 20

User is New (under hard spam control) during first 1 posts

Min number of posts to be able attach files 0

Min number of posts to be able post links 0


Current User Stats:

11 forum posts

5 topics

1 questions

2 answers

1 question comments

4 liked

1 received likes

1/10 rating


Based on all this data, and currently this is my most engaged user, I have to approve his posts every time he adds one. I don't feel like the settings are set in such a way that this should be necessary. This user should be able to post without having to get posts approved. What could be the problem?

4 Replies
Posts: 10587
Support Team
Joined: 9 years ago

1. If Akismet is enabled it may have user email specific spam data.

2. Edit Usergroup of this user and make sure the "Front - Can pass moderation" is enabled.

3. Delete user cache in Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page.

4. Make sure this user doesn't have unapproved posts in Dashboard > Forums > Moderation admin page.

5. Make sure you use the latest version of wpForo.

1 Reply
TIMS Forum
Joined: 8 years ago

Trusted Member
Posts: 46

Thank you for the tips Robert!

1. Akismet is not installed

2. This setting was not checked. Can you please explain more about what it allows.

3. Will look into this. 

4. All posts are approved. 

5. Will look into this.

Posts: 10587
Support Team
Joined: 9 years ago

2. This setting was not checked.

Not checked? So I think this is the problem. You don't allow users to pass moderation step, this say all posts must be moderated.

TIMS Forum
Posts: 46
Topic starter
Trusted Member
Joined: 8 years ago
Posted by: Robert

2. This setting was not checked.

Not checked? So I think this is the problem. You don't allow users to pass moderation step, this say all posts must be moderated.

That did it! All posts are currently passing moderation as expected. Thanks!