I am applying a radial gradient on elements based on their hash using the `style` attriubte. This works as expected on "all" pages but there are a few issues.
It does not happen for avatars displayed in comments using WPDiscuz or in WPForo when I visit the profile page of a specific member using the URL : mywebsite.com/community/profile/full-name/. It only happens on this page: mywebsite.com/community/members/.
It seems like WPForo is overriding the value of `style` attribute on the member list page. Is there anything that I can do to avoid it.
Here is what desired output will look like for an Avatar:
<img alt="Person Name"
style="background: radial-gradient(rgba(200, 182, 88, 0.25), rgba(200, 182, 88, 1));"
class="avatar test avatar-150 photo" width="150" height="150">
Here is the output for member list page for same person:
<img style="width:64px; height:64px;"
class="avatar test avatar-96 photo"
Here is the code that I am using:
function my_custom_avatar($avatar, $id_or_email, $size, $default, $alt) {
$user = false;
if ( is_numeric( $id_or_email ) ) {
$id = (int) $id_or_email;
$user = get_user_by( 'id' , $id );
} elseif ( is_object( $id_or_email ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $id_or_email->user_id ) ) {
$id = (int) $id_or_email->user_id;
$user = get_user_by( 'id' , $id );
} else {
$user = get_user_by( 'email', $id_or_email );
$user_id = $user->user_email;
$image_hash = md5($user_id);
$first_color = substr($image_hash, -6);
list($r, $g, $b) = sscanf($first_color, "%02x%02x%02x");
$color_inner = "rgba($r, $g, $b, 0.25)";
$color_outer = "rgba($r, $g, $b, 1)";
$avatar = 'https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/'.$image_hash.'?d=robohash&s=160';
$background = "background: radial-gradient($color_inner, $color_outer);";
$avatar = "<img src='{$avatar}' alt='{$alt}' style='{$background}' class='avatar test avatar-{$size} photo' height='{$size}' width='{$size}' />";
return $avatar;
add_filter( 'get_avatar' , 'my_custom_avatar' , 10, 5);
Is there any way to prevent the override? I can set the width and height to 64px in CSS as well but I cannot set the background using CSS because it depends on the hash for that particular user. 🙂
I did some digging into the code of the plugin and the width and height are being added by line 91 of the `members.php` file.
<td class="wpf-members-avatar"><?php echo WPF()->member->avatar($member, 'style="width:64px; height:64px;"'); ?></td>
I can get change this line and upload the file on server but it will need to be changed again after each WPForo update.
Is there a better solution?
Hi WPForoNoob,
The style attribute will be removed in next version.
Thanks @Robert. 🙂
Could you please provide me with an estimate on when that might happen? I have currently replaced the line
<td class="wpf-members-avatar"><?php echo WPF()->member->avatar($member, 'style="width:64px; height:64px;"'); ?></td>
<td class="wpf-members-avatar"><?php echo WPF()->member->avatar($member); ?></td>
Do I need to make any modifications to the file after the WPForo update?
We did the same. The new version is planned by end of this month.