I noticed the widget with recent posts doesn't respect forum access. It's showing restricted topics.
I'm on 1.9.1, I just ran the upgrade.
Do I need to change anything else?
I use "filter by forums" now to exclude the restricted forums, but that's not really optimal imho.
The widget works fine. I think you've not set correct permissions for each forum in the forum tree (parent and child forums).
Well, I did, but the widget needs it also for categories?
I checked logged in as a regular user.
But I get to see restricted topics, that I shouldn't be able to see.
I noticed the widget with recent posts doesn't respect forum access. It's showing restricted topics.
Initially a few years back the widget behaved correctly, but I've had the same problem as you for ages. I reported it long ago and it was fixed in a subsequent update, then it got broken again in a further update and has remained.
I have a private section for members only, guests cannot see it, the permissions on the forum are correct!
When a post is made in the private section it appears on the recent posts widget list. This is fine for members who are logged in as they are supposed to see it. However if you are logged out and viewing as a guest the post with its short info, is listed in the recent posts widget, this should not be listed!
Another oddity is if I left like this eventually the private posts gets an odd time stamp. initially it will say x hours ago, where x is the time. However that eventually changes to 50 years ago!!!
Admittedly if a guest clicks on the post listed in the widget, they cannot read it and are directed to the login screen. However it still remains true that the post should not be listed at all in the widget if viewing as a guest, even the short info provided can be sensitive information.
As a result of this I have had to block the private area from the recent posts widget for the past 18months or more, just to ensure posts don't get listed. This is annoying but I've learned to live with it.