Thank you 👍
Thank you for this solution, after following your advice it has now allowed me to run with caching re-enabled 👍 I have now quadrupled my previ...
This is exactly my predicament I have, and as a result I've had to run WPForo for over a year!! now without any of its caching enabled.
I think you'll find it's a local issue, your pc problem or isp, as your site works perfectly fine for me from my pc.
@tutrix Thanks 👍
Many thanks for your help Robert, that's enabled me to change the message just as I wanted.
Ooops that sounds like I made a poor choice. I'll be interested to follow your progress. Always keen to learn and improve.
@percysgrowroom I was avoiding going V2 for fear of it breaking my site. Long story short, I screwed up and ended up updating my live site to V2, and ...