I'm getting a warning when I search for "casa." I'm expecting one result, but it does not appear.
Full error:
Warning: mysqli_query(): (22003/1690): DOUBLE value is out of range in '((match `compar23_clsp`.`t`.`title` against ('casa*' in boolean mode)) + (match `compar23_clsp`.`p`.`title` against ('casa*' in boolean mode)))' in /home/compar23/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1942
Wat is your server MySQL version? Please copy server information from Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page and leave it here.
This problem comes from you database configuration. This is a MySQL server configuration issue. We could help you if you send MySQL database access (phpMyAdmin). You can download phpMyAdmin, upload to root, send database login details (DB User and DB password in wp-config.php) and phpMyAdmin URL.
I don't know why or how, but the search page has been working correctly for the past two days.
I haven't changed anything.
At any rate, I'll check back in if the issue returns. Thanks so much for your willingness to review my server settings! That is above and beyond.