Feb 10, 2019 7:14 am
I succes to change profile page in wpforo account, fields (Display Name, etc), and can be view on wordpress author box. BUT, when I fill social networks fields in wpforo account, its cant view on wordpress author box. Please help..
1 Reply
Feb 11, 2019 12:23 pm
HiΒ wifiman,
The wpForo fields are designed to be displayed only on wpForo pages. In your case, if you want to display facebook field in author page, you need to add this code in the currentΒ page template in your active theme.
wpforo_member( $userid, 'facebook' );
Here are other examples for wpForo about and avatar fields:
wpforo_member( $userid, 'about' );
wpforo_member( $userid, 'avatar' );