Hello Robert,
I'm very liked wpForo. I'm using as Q&A for the support on my site. I've translate the string by WPML almost working. I've got some trouble another things.
1. The second language not works for the wpForo. Just show a menu without the topic.
2. The tiny mce editor disappear.
I can't leave a link my site here because under development. I will send more detail to you at support@gvectors.com Is it okay for this email?
Hi Lek,
wpForo doesn't compatible with WPML yet, you should not use it until we work around this.
Try to use ?l=en mode of WPML URLs, it may work, but the /en/ mode 100% has no chance to work.
We'll add WPML compatibility in future stable versions.
Hi Robert,
?lang=en still not work. I will wait for the WPML compatibility stable versions.
Very glad to hear that from you.
Hi Robert,
Which is version of wpForo will add compatibility with WPML?
Is it possible for stable version 1.0 ?
I am at the moment struggling with a similar problem.
We are using wpml and want to display the same forum in two different languages (German=Original and English).
I only get the message: "this is out of the wpforo environment"
Would be great if you could help me with this.