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wpForo 1.x.x [Closed] How to "Add Topics" importing a csv file to WP-foro plugin?

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In our DIY website we have installed the wpforo plugin to create a DIY comunity in Spain where people can share advices and experiences and also we help them to solve their doubts...

So the issue is that we had been many monts since we started but nobody joins in to our comunity, so we came up with the following idea (trying to atract people from organic traffic so they can join us):

Is it possible to create a Excel (.csv) file with the most common discussions, troubles or doubts the people has in the DIY/gardening field (we want to create this file based on our ideas an experience) and also in that file in other row create the answer to this discussions, troubles or doubts...and then import this file to WP-Forum plugin in wordpress so it can "auto post" a topic for every each question we wanted to import?


So the baseline idea is to create a .csv file with 3 colums: 1º Column for the forum where we want the topic posted, 2º columns with the title of the topic and 3º column the "content or answer" to this topic...also could add more columns to set the author, date of posting, etc etc...

Now our comunity is empty and we think that this way we can encourage people to interact and join in if they find our site when they search for an specific question and we have the answer posted as admins... it possible, how can we do that, is there any function already in wpforo plugincthat could do that?


I hope I had been clear with the explanation and what my doubts are, because in my head sound OK but maybe i have not explained it the right way 🙂


I wait your answer!


Kind reagards for you help



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As far as I understand you'll need to migrate some topics form old software to new. So please let us know the source software you have.

If your old software is included in the list of available migration you can use the go2wpForo free tool. More info here:

Otherwise, we recommend you contact to professional migration services like gConverter or Profprojects for this kind of project.

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Hi, thanks for your answer

We dont want to migrate from another platform

We want to "literally" create a whole new .csv file wit the topics and import them to wpforo plugin in a csv file

We want to do exactly the same we can do with woocommerce with products but with wpforo with topics


Is that possible or is any extension thah allow the pligin to do that?


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I'm really sorry, but this requires a deep custom work with custom codding and processing. Those topics will not appear on the forum because they don't have correct ForumIDs and UserIDs. You should have Forums, Topics, Posts, and Users excel sheets. And it should be imported with the relation of new IDs in the database.

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Thankd for your answer again!

So you mean that this sis posible but we have to build 3 diferent .csv sheets: One for the forum where we want the topic go, other for the post tittle and content and other for the user? If thats the case what kind of structure do we need to structure de data on those sheets?


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@sofy Any idea that can help us?


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@tutrix any ideas on this topic?


Kind regards

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As Sofy already mentioned this requires a large of custom work with custom codding and processing.

If you do not have the knowledge on development, we don't recommend do this.

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@alvina @sofy

We see that you have a migration plugin to migrate from other platforms to wpforo

Can we use that plugin and make some modifications to import the information via .csv/database generated by us to simulate the structure the plugin needs to clasify the data as if this thata were from another forum platform?

The idea is to "scrape" our competirtors forums most popular topics and create the same topic in our forum to do not have to doit manually and atract people to our forum. but the scraper only stores the data in a Excel based file....

If we have to purchase the migraton plugin and pay you extra price for modifucations included that help us allow doing what I mention there would be fine.

Kind regards



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I'm sorry but there is no way to do this with the wpForo migration tool.
As we already mentioned you can do it via .csv files, but we don't recommend do this. It requires a large custom work with custom codding and processing. And if you do not have the knowledge of development we don't recommend do this. Please note this kind of customization is not included in our support.
Simply you can create more topics to promote your forum. No necessary to make those topics in CSV, just create a new topic on the forum.


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@alvina Thanks for your answer!

The issue is that in our forum we want to cover a lot of topics of various fields, so if we have to do it manually it will be a long time dedicated to it...

Any ideas that could hel us?


Kind regards