BBPress to WPForo M...
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[Closed] BBPress to WPForo Migration keeps timing out

4 Posts
3 Users
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Hi there,

So I've installed wpforo and Go2WPForo plugins in our staging site.

After installing, I tried to start the migration process first at 200 items per cycle, then 50, then 30.

The percent bar never moves beyond 1%, and always times out.

I can't access the WordPress admin dashboard for a couple of minutes, but am still able to log in again.

I've attached several screenshots that might help in troubleshooting.


Thank you!

1 Answer

Hi @dukeofdiligence,

I think the problem in the number of users. Your server memory and max var size doesn't allow to manage such a number of user during the migration process. Try to find spam users in the database and remove them. Use some logic, for example, remove users who don't have any post or have never logged-in, or something else. There are many good plugins to filter and delete users:


Once you've cleared users don't forget to delete all migrated data to start a fresh migration. If you don't have any important data in wpForo forum, you can use the "Uninstall" button in Dashboard > Plugins admin page, it'll remove all wpForo data, so you'll be able to activate and install a fresh wpForo forum with empty tables.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

dukeofdiligence Topic starter 04/01/2021 11:01 pm


Thank you for the directions, I will try these!

MickeyB 30/01/2021 2:30 pm


Did you manage to migrate from bbpress to wpForo?
Also the usergroups? 
And the formatting of posts?


dukeofdiligence Topic starter 31/01/2021 6:11 am


Not yet, we're holding the installation and migration process for now since we're doing some major changes to our site. We'll probably resume after that.