Go2wpForo on Multis...
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[Solved] Go2wpForo on Multisite

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Same situation here. Any progress?

Installed wpForo and Go2wpForo on Multisite.
Activated both of the plugins per subsite.

Two issues I ran into:

- The "wpForo Forum Installation" completes on both sites, but warning message remains on primary site (not on the other subsite).
- Migrate2wpForo Notice: We can't find this board on this system (on both sites)

I did notice that the wp_mg2wpforo table is being created (and wp_2_mg2wpforo for the second site) - but both are empty.


As for the screenshot request; it never gets to the point of showing any stats. It just show the Error message and nothing else.

9 Answers

Hi @hansie,

The Migrate2wpForo Notice: We can't find this board on this system (on both sites) is not the plugin bug so you should not look for any progress. This is your configuration issue. What forum software you're trying to migrate from? Are you sure that the source forum software database is accessible from your WordPress server? You should do either:

1. Move the source forum database to WordPress database and move the source forum files o WordPress file system

2. Enable remote access in MySQL Settings in your source forum hosting service to allow Go2wpForo tool to connect to that database from WordPress server.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

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Thanks for the quick response Robert!

I'm migrating from bbPress - apologies for not mentioning that.

The database is accessible (it is in the Wordpress database).

I've tried debugging the migration tool, and all the 3 count functions have a query in it. When I run those through phpMyAdmin, they all result in counts > 0, which makes me suspect that "$this->db->posts" is not pointing to the correct table. (but I can be very wrong of course)

Robert Robert 26/02/2020 3:02 pm


Are you sure the bbPress is installed on in the same sub-site where you've installed the wpForo and Go2wpForo tool? They should be on the same sub-site. Also, you should make sure the table prefixes are correct. If the bbPress in sub-site #2 the table prefix will be wp_2_ and so on...



Topic starter

If I can, I wouldn't mind helping with debugging ...

Also note that this messages keep appearing on the primary website (see attachment).

Robert Robert 26/02/2020 3:06 pm
Posted by: @hansie

If I can, I wouldn't mind helping with debugging ...

Also note that this messages keep appearing on the primary website (see attachment).

It means the wpForo was installed in the main website. Is the bbPress installed on the same website?

Hansie Topic starter 26/02/2020 3:10 pm
Posted by: @robert
Posted by: @hansie

If I can, I wouldn't mind helping with debugging ...

Also note that this messages keep appearing on the primary website (see attachment).

It means the wpForo was installed in the main website. Is the bbPress installed on the same website?

wpForo and the migration tool have been installed through the network admin page of WordPress.
Then for each site (main and secondary) I had to manually activate them.

When I tried "network activate", the wpforo tables for the secondary site were not created.
When that initial attempt failed, I deactivated and removed both plugins, and started again from scratch, this time activating them one at a time (versus network activate). The tables for both were now created.

Topic starter

Yes, I'm 100% sure.
The prefix is correct as well (wp_ for the primary site, wp_2_ for the secondary site).

I've ran the 3 count queries manually (in the same database) found in the file /wp-content/plugins/go2wpforo/boards called bbpress.php. I just replace "$this->db->posts" with "wp_posts" and "wp_2_posts". All give a count greater than zero.

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Forgot to answer your question:

Yes bbPress is installed on the primary website and secondary website.

Topic starter

Also note: on both websites wpForo works, and on both sites I've completed the synchronisation.

Just the bbPress migration doesn't work on either of them, and that message keeps showing.

Topic starter

OK, got the migration working.
To get this working I had to modify the file /boards/bbpress.php.

I changed each occurrence of $this->db->tablename to $wpdb->tablename and add "global $wpdb" to each function.

I had to hardcode the table for the user count. Not a biggy - it works now.

For example:

public function get_forums_count(){
global $wpdb;
if( $count = $this->db->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->posts." WHERE post_status IN('publish', 'private', 'hidden', 'closed') AND post_type = 'forum'") ) return $count;
return 0;


The main problem was in your configuration, you had inserted wrong primary and secondary table prefixes on the first steps of Database Connection Configuration. So the plugin could work fine without such changes.

In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

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I'm still thinking there may be an tiny issue with MultiSite setups and the migration plugin, but in the end I got it working, some I'm very grateful for the plugin - it saved me a lot of work. Thanks! 👍
The modifications I made are most certainly not pretty, but it worked.  😉 

On that note: I'm very sure the proper prefixes were used; for the primary site "wp_" for the secondary site "wp_2_" (neither worked).

I actually clicked "Use current database connection credentials" (which for each site selected the right prefix), clicking connect worked, and the confirmation window showed me the right data and "OK" (see attached screenshot).

In any case: thank you very much for a great forum and great support.
I very much appreciate it.