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[Closed] The transfer is not done correctly

1 Posts
2 Users
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Please pay attention to the image, unfortunately the transfer is not perfect, also when I click on the topics, it does not display the topics correctly. I tried several times, but the result was the same



1 Answer

Hi @saman3230,

Please check Go2wpForo migration tools doc:

Is there any support for this tool?

Forum to Forum migration is a large project. We’re sorry but we cannot support issues arisen during your forum migration. We only support questions related how to use and configure this tool in wpForo support forum. We don’t support the result of migration. This kind of large work is out of our support. In case the migration result of this tool doesn’t satisfy you, you should contact to professional forum migration services for custom migration.

You can contact to wpForo Custom Works Team with sales[at] Email or contact

to gConverter or ProfProjects services for such projects. They have already done hundreds of forum to wpForo migration projects with the best result.

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We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.