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[Closed] Missing Posts/Topic from PHPbb to WPforo

2 Posts
2 Users
0 Reactions
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Hello Team,

I'm trying to import my data from PHPbb to WPforo.

During the migration everything is going well but i don't know why the migration plugin not import all the data.
Almost all the users are there but there is posts and topics missing.

screenshot :

Do you have any idea on it ? Do you face same issue ? 


2 Answers

Hi @saamy,

Go2wpForo tool doesn't import topics and posts which have no author. If the user of those topics and posts are deleted the topics and posts will not be migrated too. Can you find some examples of not-imported topics and investigate those in the source PHP database?

In case you want to say thank you !)
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Topic starter

Hi Robert,

Thank you for your reply.

Actually there is no chance for that since our forum is accessible only for registred member.

We don't have lot of tournaround on members accounts to loose this amount of posts and topics.

I will check otherwise i will leave the migration to the specific company mentionned on your page. 

