Newly added forums or topics or posts will not been seen until admin pushes the updates on "Overview" page in backend. That sucks. How to solve this fundamental issue with this plugin? You can't just hire someone to push the update manually and constantly. That would be way too crazy. I saw this issue posted in the FAQ 2 years ago. How come this basic thing is still lingering? Anyone have a quick-fix?
Hi @spacetalk
I saw this issue posted in the FAQ 2 years ago.
What topic are you mentioning?
And give us a link to your forum
The third topic under FAQ on your forum homepage:
Here's our forum link:
Issue: To make any new post/topic/forum showing right away, admin needs to click "Update the forum", "Update the topics" etc. This is burdensome. All update should be automatically and instantaneously achieved in the forum system.
We did all that long ago. However, the forum homepage ( was not included in the list of excluded url. Would that be the reason why the homepage seems always outdated? Should I add the homepage url into the list? If I should, what exactly do I need to add?
Would that be the reason why the homepage seems always outdated?
Test it with "" and check the source code (browser Ctrl + U) if the LiteSpeed comment (see attachment) is removed.