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[Closed] top bar for page load and scroll

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See top bar while page loads and scrolls

The red page loading bar comes from this plugin: (probably simpler plugin for this feature)

then as you scroll down, the brown progress bar is this plugin:

Can I get these features in wpforo easily? The problem I am having is that I can't get these bars to work when I put the whole site to feature the forum like on

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Posts: 3
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Joined: 6 years ago

I figured how to get the "ajax load more" loading bar to work: I downloaded plugin: 'Shortcode in Menus', then added: [ajax_load_more progress_bar="true" progress_bar_color="43A6DF"] shortcode in menu, lol!

I am still trying to get plugin: /worth-the-read/ scrolling progress bar to work.

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I'm sorry but I have no idea how to fix that, you should contact to that plugin developers.

I see another issue. The forum base URL is wrong configured. Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Settings admin page and click the [Update Options] button, to reset forum base URL. Then navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page and click the [Delete all caches] button.