Very simplistic Lif...
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[Closed] Very simplistic Lifestyle Log Forum

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Hello guys, 

first thanks for WPForo. It ten times better than bbpress. I always used bbpress and I hate myself for just using it because it is the most popular (because it is around for so long). I hate plugins and I code everything that is possible without it. Thats why my website is so fast 🙂 Snippets is the way to go. However wpforo is very well coded and is fast too. I haven't even done all the optimizations.


I always want to change a lot and a have vision how I want it to look like, which is most of the time ultra simplistic.


It is not yet done, but I'm really happy with it already. I'm using a strong sans-serif font on the Webpage, so I wanted to use a serif one for the forum. I tested a few and really liked the "freight-neo-pro" and since it is mainly used as a log section it should really show that off. That's why I deleted a lot of the function and manipulated the editor. It shall be as distraction free as possible so that why my only wish would be to have markdown implemented. I know it's not included, but I think I can get it  to show trough wordpress.


How do you guys like the simplistic design?




Posted : 07/09/2019 5:13 pm
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Posts: 5081
Support Team Admin

Thank you @jwpaps!

Your forum looks very nice.

The only thing I'd recommend you to change the text color of the forum/topic color of a link when you mouse over it. Currently, it's white.

You can change it using the CSS code below: 

h3.wpforo-forum-title > a:hover  .wpforo-topic-title > a:hover {
color: #000 !important;

In case you want to say thank you 😊
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.

Posted : 09/09/2019 8:00 am
Posts: 1602
Noble Member

There are several errors in your html code. duplicate elements, unclosed elements .....

Posted : 09/09/2019 8:51 am
Posts: 6
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Thanks a lot guys. As said I'm not completely done, so its also not really validated. However I thought it might be useful to show for some how simplistic you can go if that is what you aiming for. I also have to double check if I'm not using unnecessary close colors somewhere. In a design like mine less is more.

Posted : 09/09/2019 6:01 pm
Posts: 85
Estimable Member

Wow, looks really good. Did you do all the coding in forums > settings > style > custom CSS code?

Posted : 10/09/2019 2:24 pm
Posts: 6
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Posted by: @zeeshan333

Wow, looks really good. Did you do all the coding in forums > settings > style > custom CSS code?

Thank you mate. Yes most of it. I only overwrote like 3 template files at most. If you haven't watched today I have done a couple of more changes and I like it even more. My Goal is to create a distraction free reading and writing experience.


Two Wishes I still have are:


I wish I would have a select and format feature (like at Medium), where you can select text and then you get the format options. And also I want to get the author name right of the avatar. Latter I should definitely achieve today :).

Most of it is just for the nature of the Forum. I really like minimalistic stuff. So removing elements was actually the biggest part of this design. Also the Font Freight Pro(serif) helps a lot in Combination with the main sans-serif font.

Then slight color change from black to 1f1f1f makes it also easier to read.

Posted : 12/09/2019 2:03 am