@pierreto, how do you set the title to h2 on a message Thanks
If I may add my 2 cents, it would be better to put the message on hold for the moderator to decide if to publish or remove the link manually.
Hi Robert, I'm referring to your wpFofo forum, not mine...
Well, all EIG owned hosting companies are not good (to be polite). They should be avoided. What is EIG? I'm using Bluehost for 2 domains and have no p...
If I may add my 2 cents,To my understanding, wpForo uses WordPress user's data base.Few times I logged-in to the forum with the admin name and natural...
I like this condensed format :)I wish it was an option in wpForo...
Posted by: Robert I'm sorry but I have no idea. You should check your recent changes. Also make sure the cache is fully reset. but it happens on your ...
I have to up that again.For a while, after installing EverlightBox it was working fine and images where opened within the post including cycling the ...
Hi nightymike,