Thank you very much. It's work ! Thanks for you guys help. Perfect feedback.
Is it I need to send to ""?
Hello, I already checked for all access permissions and deleted the caches in the forum dashboard but it still appears error 404... What can I do stil...
This is the usergroup setting as well. user-group-setting.PNG
This is the usergroup setting. usergroup.PNG
This is the forum access setting. forum-access.PNG
I have checked my forum access and usergroup. And I screenshot my settings to you. Can you help me to have a look...? forum-page.PNG
Is this the information you would like to know? My installed plugins are : Akismet Anti-Spam, GamiPress, GamiPress - Activity by Category, GamiPre...
I'm sorry to have so many questions...
May I know how can I check whether is my forum page is cached by the cache plugins? And how can I make sure I already excluded forum page from p...