Eminent Member
Topics: 4 / Replies: 25
RE: 404 page not found: Terms, Rules and Privacy

Well, apparently, those pages just don't exist (yet) on eg Google search on the site

6 years ago
RE: No follow pages

Wonderful, thank you @robert! ๐Ÿ˜€ It works indeed, now all posts have the noindex meta tag. Perfect! ๐Ÿ‘

6 years ago
RE: No follow pages

Well, it looks like it only works for the precise links defined in wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpforo-tools&tab=misc, that is, posts will not be affec...

6 years ago
6 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 2826
RE: Icons missing and missing translation

Found it! ๐Ÿ˜Š Although I still don't know where this was coming from. ๐Ÿคจ There was a .htaccess file in the wp-includes folder, with the following conte...

6 years ago
RE: Icons missing and missing translation

Just a note to acknowledge that the error really doesn't seem to be related to wpForo. I always get the same 403 when accessing those files on that do...

6 years ago
RE: Icons missing and missing translation

I tried the console. I get this: addthis_widget.js?ver=4.9.8:2 GETnet::ERR_ABORTED 403a @ addthis_widget.js?ver=4.9.8:2_handleScroll @ addthis_widget...

6 years ago
RE: Icons missing and missing translation

Thank you @sofy, Changing only the theme does not help. Changing everything takes too much time right now. I give up for the time being. ๐Ÿ˜”

6 years ago
RE: Translation of the interface

Ah, I was looking on the structure and it was on page 2... A long table. I'm sorry. ๐Ÿ˜“ All clear now.

6 years ago
RE: Icons missing and missing translation

Point 1: I emptied and deactivated local cache (WPFC), then deactivated all plugins but wpforo's, emptied the caches in the CDN, opened a fresh browse...

6 years ago
RE: Translation of the interface

Good morning @sofy, Thank you! I guess it will be a dumb question, but in which table is this stored? I don't find anything in phpmyadmin?

6 years ago
RE: Translation of the interface

Thank you! I had put an additional space ... in the English version? And how do you "reset" a phrase key?

6 years ago
RE: Translation of the interface

It's on its way, thank you Sofy!

6 years ago
RE: Translation of the interface

Still no luck... Maybe I should delete the "wrong phrase"? But how? Where is this stored? foro8.jpg

6 years ago
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