Eminent Member
Topics: 4 / Replies: 12
RE: Icons no longer visible

Hi Alvina, The CSS code worked perfectly. Thanks so much for your help - much appreciated!

4 years ago
RE: Icons no longer visible

Hi Alvina, I've already excluded my forum pages from Autoptimize. However, I still do not see the icons on the forum. I've tried refreshing and cle...

4 years ago
RE: Icons no longer visible

Hi Alvina, Thanks for the quick response. Yes, I do have a cache plugin installed: Autoptimize Do you happen to have a guide on how to exclude ...

4 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 600
RE: Redirection of 404 pages (only for restricted pages)

Hi Alvina, Thank you for your response πŸ™‚

5 years ago
RE: Redirection of 404 pages (only for restricted pages)

Hi Alvina, any updates on how I should proceed based on the screenshots and videos I've shared? Appreciate your response here.

5 years ago
RE: How to reposition the forum description

Hi Alvina, This JS code worked perfectly. Thank you so much for your assistance πŸ™‚ Regards.

5 years ago
RE: Redirection of 404 pages (only for restricted pages)

Hi Alvina, I'm also attaching a video of what the logged-out flow (guest user access) for your reference.  2.-Logged-out-flow-guest.mp4

5 years ago
RE: Redirection of 404 pages (only for restricted pages)

Hi Alvina, As requested, have attached a video of the issue faced for the logged-in flow w. the "Free Registered" user access  1.-Logged...

5 years ago
RE: Redirection of 404 pages (only for restricted pages)

3. Edit Forum  03.-Forum-Permissions.png

5 years ago
RE: Redirection of 404 pages (only for restricted pages)

2. Forum Access - I've named it Free Registered Tier  02.-Restricted-Access-Forum-Access.png

5 years ago
RE: Redirection of 404 pages (only for restricted pages)

Hi Alvina, Thank you for your reply. Please see attached the following screenshots for your further action: 1. User Group - I've named it Free Ti...

5 years ago
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