@robert οκ thank you
Thank you @robert, so has nothing to do with the issue that @Alvina told me ? This issue is already reported. Please read this support topic:
@alvina thank you
And here has the same problem
Thank you Martin , now you are real help. One comment only, from the moment that the package is added in wpforo, is just error / missing from the pa...
@martin Sorry to say but looks like you dont know how wpforo works. In phrases you choose the "package" where the phrase comes from. This is ...
Thank you
Yes @anonymous20 you are right, all problems were from conflicts with gvectors addons old versions. After updating the addons to the newest version ev...
@percysgrowroom I have the opposite problem my forum is black and look
@robert before the update it was working, i will try the same fix
How can i make the tiles of the topic to show ? they dont show
Is it only for the widget this ot for the topics titles too ?