Файлы для перевода типа PO/MO должны лежать в директории /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-languages Для корректного вывода языка используйте русскую вер...
Translation (stable) updated for version wpforo 1.1.0
Hi. Full translation to Russian language for version 1.0.1 wpforo_RU_1.1.zip
Now it is clear. Sorry.
Removed, but it changes nothing. 2016-08-12_11-41-04.jpg
Russian translation for beta 6 wpForo_RU-beta6.zip
Russian localization for beta 5 wpForo_RU_beta5.zip
Чем занимается в данный момент?
Hi. What does the word "ocumpation" (for example - Can view member ocumpation) in the context of translation?
Updated version translation for beta 4+ minor fixes. wpf_RU_beta4.zip
The forum uses its own font or takes it from the current theme?
Everything works. The path to localization files - /wp-content/plugins/wpforo/wpf-languages/ Must be russian WordPress. Switch language in the settin...
The screenshots are from different places where there is no localization in the POT file. For the future. no-translate.jpg
Hi Robert. Translation into russian language of the current version (beta-3). May contain slight inaccuracies, but we will follow the development, add...