@alvina Please note there is an two profiles "Site Profile" and "Forum Profile". The "Forum Profile" open wpForo profile page, the "Site Profile" ...
@alvina Also I will suggest you check the "Who can see this menu link?" in the menu settings. Yes. But I couldn't find this setting in the men...
@alvina I sent the detail to info@gvectors.com already. Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.
I tried other acc not admin acc. It is the same. Screen-Shot-2020.png
@alvina I don't have any Cache plugin. I deleted User cache and all caches more than hundred times. It still the same.
Please check the image. Screen-Shot.png
Hi @alvina Thank you for your reply. I searched all topics regarding the UM profile instead of WpForo profile but there is no result. I cleared all ...