@sofy Yer Right Sofy, WpForo doesn't have a integration routine - and doesn't look like they much care if the one made by Wbcomdesigns works or not...
Just happened AGAIN! - I surrender, Along with the problem I'm having with TIME ZONES... I'm changing Forum Software . Won't bother you fo...
WELL folks.. It happened AGAIN today... in fact it happens EVERY single TIME I try to access this page! I use Loginzer as well, this isn't a LOGI...
That was 'EXACTLY' what I was looking for, thank you for ability to change that. Perhaps it could be a 'Switch' to turn on or off in the futur...
I understand you aren't interested in helping me achieve the profile alignment I asked about? How do you PREVENT the profile from r...
I appreciate your answer that the software was 'designed' to act that way. So, What can I do to make it look like this (my header doesn't disappear...