Active Member
Topics: 2 / Replies: 5
RE: I need the Blog to only show up for logged in members

Of course my question is related to wp-Foro. Why would it not be possible to have the blog be only used for forum members and appear in the logged in ...

2 years ago
RE: I need the Blog to only show up for logged in members

@chris I am using wp-Foro. Isn't it possible to put the Blog into the menu that only the members see?

2 years ago
RE: How can I hide member profiles from public view

We only have one item on the question list at this time... Other member profiles are not showing up under Members. Can all members, logged in or out s...

2 years ago
RE: How can I hide member profiles from public view

Thank you! I know that I'll have a few more questions and if you are as awesome as this, you will get a review on WordPress.org and other sites on the...

2 years ago
RE: How can I hide member profiles from public view

I want to delete the "Forum Information" at the bottom of the page. It notes newest members. Please tell me how to do this.

2 years ago