Thanks a lot!
Just to make that clear: The padding of the #wpforo #wpforo-wrap element is only the padding on the outside of the whole forum container?
But I am specifically asking about the padding value in the #wpforo #wpforo-wrap element from the styles tab. It seems to work, but I am wondering if ...
To be clear: I only want to remove the padding that is around the forum itself (between the forum and the websites container)
But doesn't Ctrl+F5 only work for me? Do I have to do anything to make sure that everything works for my users?
One more thing: The 'wpforo_editor_settings' and the 'wp_editor_settings' hook both don't have an effect on the visual editor of Q&A comments. It ...
Thank you for the explanation, then I know where I have to look for a solution!
When I paste the URL of an image into the editor now, it automatically embeds the image. I think that hasn't been the case before. Is there a way to a...
Great update, thanks for the continuous improvements! Looking forward to using this plugin for the upcoming years!
This is how I changed the buttons in the editor in functions.php. However, I didn't write this code myself so I am not sure how good it is: add_filter...
That's great, thank you for accepting suggestions!
Thank you for the explanation!
Thank you, that's great!