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RE: Forum base URL is wrong.

But my problem is not solved. I had my wordpress in a sub-directory and can't change Forums > Settings > General tab because the directory with ...

8 years ago
RE: Forum base URL is wrong.

I want attach file in this topic, but have error Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to move '/tmp/php7yVncZ' to '/home/wpforo/public_html/wp-conten...

8 years ago
RE: Forum base URL is wrong.

Posted by: Hauyser Hi team, I updated to V1, since then it's messed up the way the forum loads. Wordpress is installed in the /wordpress directory e...

8 years ago
RE: wpForo 1.0.0 is released!

Posted by: aisha70 I was really looking forward to this update, and am looking forward to the paid add-ons too. However, after I forum d...

8 years ago