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Topics: 11 / Replies: 40
RE: Migration from WP Symposium?

I've got this issue posted attoo, if anyone's following this topic.

8 years ago
RE: Migration from WP Symposium?

I missed setting the last_post field in the wpforo_topics table -- as soon as I set that it worked. That issue is resolved. I'm still not able to add...

8 years ago
RE: wpForo and a CDN?

I turned on the CDN and it works perfectly. Thanks!

8 years ago
RE: Migration from WP Symposium?

I double checked and user IDs are correct in all three tables. With that said, my development site is a little flaky at times so I'm working under th...

8 years ago
RE: Add fields to registration page

Posted by: Robert We're still working on this. I think we'll need 2-3 more weeks to release this addon. Thanks for keeping at it!

8 years ago
RE: wpForo and a CDN?

Do you know of any successful wpForo and CDN installations?

8 years ago
RE: Migration from WP Symposium?

The last_userid looks right and I've deleted caches (this is development and I don't have caching enabled) and it's still saying Anonymous. I'm havin...

8 years ago
RE: Add fields to registration page

Any updates to user profile custom fields? This would be a fantastic addition, thanks!

8 years ago
RE: Migration from WP Symposium?

I've made a lot of progress on this and I'll be happy to share what I've done once it's finished. A couple remaining issues: On the main forum page e...

8 years ago
Replies: 4
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