Thanks, will try that
@robert The 'no access'---says they have the permissions they are supposed to...the "can view forum," where is this permission asked? I ha...
@alvina thank you for your help. The recaptcha issue seems resolved...I uninstalled the WP Foro forum...then reinstalled went away...???...
How do you delete this post? I must have another program than you....always different screens, etc., than what is suggested....or am I just not ...
I did remove isn't in my plugins....????
I think I did what you suggested...again, you are welcome to call me on my 800 line....833-568-3963 if you us back and forth. Jeff
@crisw Am I missing a step in between steps 3 -6?
I think I did what you suggested...
I removed the google recaptcha plug in...only have askimet and the wpforo plug in
I am working on your suggestions right now...thanks...will have them done in a second...again, can't thank you enough!
By the way, I did what you guys suggested...I removed any other recaptcha plug in...only have askimet...should this be gone too?
Thanks, Are these issues happening because I don't have Bluehost hosting it right now? I was trying to just get it the way I wanted then call them...
I haven't put the site on the hosting company's ...gonna use Bluehost? that causing the issues? My site is thanks,...
I did follow it...even uninstalled the wpforo, then all I get is a 404 login code