Reputable Member
Topics: 71 / Replies: 212
RE: XLM Sitemap

🙂 Copy and pasted (more or less) from my very original post (before you answer to the sitemap part regarding the forum), so now Im talking about th...

4 years ago
RE: XLM Sitemap

Thanks dimalifragis 🙂 Can I make you another question related to this matter? My "normal website" sitemap apparently was handle by SeoFramework.....

4 years ago
RE: XLM Sitemap

Im not sure really. I got two files (two different urls each of them called sitemap) containing many other urls each of both "files/urls" If thats n...

4 years ago
RE: XLM Sitemap

Oppps, you worrying me now really 🙂 Here is my link copy and pasted from the foro-settings. Click it to see what I mean please 🙂 (what be way easi...

4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 632
RE: XLM Sitemap

Thanks Dimalifragis 🙂 Can I make you another related question? When I click on my link located as in your screamshot, its opens up two different ...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 20
Views: 2583
RE: Facebook sharing does not work

Thanks, I just realise this now works without me having done anything to it. Not sure if due perhaps (I dont think so) to your latest update. It works...

4 years ago
RE: Change, edit, delete things in "profile --> account" form..., its possible?

Thanks BUT these two words in particular dont seem to show up at all in the phrases. Thats why I asked if they are located elsewhere else Im talking...

4 years ago
RE: Change, edit, delete things in "profile --> account" form..., its possible?

Thanks Robert 😀 Could you please tell me also where to find the "pagination words" previous and next (before both arrows: that shows on the top righ...

4 years ago
RE: Change, edit, delete things in "profile --> account" form..., its possible?

And just one more thing I just realise Robert BUT its not a major problem so please ONLY if cost you not trouble at all 🙂 On the "dashboard", and i...

4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 816
RE: Change, edit, delete things in "profile --> account" form..., its possible?

Done Robert, this can be mark as solved, thanks so much 🙂

4 years ago
RE: Change, edit, delete things in "profile --> account" form..., its possible?

YES!, that sort it inmediately Robert, Thanks very much 🙂 Do you know if the website address can be taken off too? Thanks again 🙂

4 years ago
RE: Forums showing posts nrs and do they add?

Thanks 🙂 Its actually the oppossite. I will like the post count to show in the simplify forum as well but ITS NOT important. Im just using the exte...

4 years ago
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