🙂 Copy and pasted (more or less) from my very original post (before you answer to the sitemap part regarding the forum), so now Im talking about th...
Thanks dimalifragis 🙂 Can I make you another question related to this matter? My "normal website" sitemap apparently was handle by SeoFramework.....
Im not sure really. I got two files (two different urls each of them called sitemap) containing many other urls each of both "files/urls" If thats n...
Oppps, you worrying me now really 🙂 Here is my link copy and pasted from the foro-settings. Click it to see what I mean please 🙂 (what be way easi...
Thanks Dimalifragis 🙂 Can I make you another related question? When I click on my link located as in your screamshot, its opens up two different ...
Thanks, I just realise this now works without me having done anything to it. Not sure if due perhaps (I dont think so) to your latest update. It works...
Thanks BUT these two words in particular dont seem to show up at all in the phrases. Thats why I asked if they are located elsewhere else Im talking...
Thanks Robert 😀 Could you please tell me also where to find the "pagination words" previous and next (before both arrows: that shows on the top righ...
And just one more thing I just realise Robert BUT its not a major problem so please ONLY if cost you not trouble at all 🙂 On the "dashboard", and i...
Done Robert, this can be mark as solved, thanks so much 🙂
YES!, that sort it inmediately Robert, Thanks very much 🙂 Do you know if the website address can be taken off too? Thanks again 🙂
Thanks 🙂 Its actually the oppossite. I will like the post count to show in the simplify forum as well but ITS NOT important. Im just using the exte...